MUSIC FOR A MONTESSORI ENVIRONMENT: Songs that Nurture The Self-Directed Child
Participants will learn how music, lyrics and movement can be used to build Concentration, Independence, Community and Self Regulation in the Montessori environment. Participants will become familiar with appropriate key research findings, listen and move to the songs based on Montessori principles and child development research, and explore ways to use the songs in the classroom and the home.
Goals, Outcomes, Objectives:
1. Participants will become familiar with appropriate key research findings, specifically the power of words, music and movement in early childhood, the four types of songs and the importance of adult modeled learning.
2. Participants will explore songs based on the fundamental Montessori principles of Concentration, Independence, Community and Movement as formative expressions of language, art, culture, feelings, self regulation, acceptable behavior, and a source of fun.
3. Participants will generate and share ideas of appropriate use of music and songs in the Montessori classroom and at home.
Presented by: DAVID KISOR
Date: November 10, 2016
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Location: Children, Inc. 1053 Madison Ave. Covington, KY (across from Cathedral)
Cost: $40 (includes complimentary copy of ANYTHING’S POSSIBLE: Songs for a Montessori Environment in either print or digital format.)
To register, contact Aly Bleistine at 859-431-2075 x116 or by email, before November 8, 2016