Unfortunately, traumatic events happen every day, in every community. Children may often be experiencing confusion and hear more than we think. As caregivers we need to provide consistency and safety [Read More…]
Building Grit and Resilience With Babies and Toddlers Using Music…
March 15, 2021 By Growing Sound
The 74 recently published an article titled “What You Never Realized You Were Teaching Your Child About Grit & Resilience: MIT Study Captures Techniques That Work for Babies as Young [Read More…]
How Our Music Can Help Your Child Know Their Own Strength By Using Character Science…
March 5, 2021 By Growing Sound
Growing Sound continues our efforts to promote positive social-emotional learning and development through Character Science. An article recently published in the Kentucky Tribune helps explain what Character Science is [Read More…]
Music Can Help Kids Make Transitions Much Easier – View a List Back to School Transitions from River City News…
March 1, 2021 By Growing Sound
Our thanks to River City News for sharing these great tips for making back to school transitions easier for children. We LOVE that they included our song, “I Keep [Read More…]
Filed Under: Education, Educational Research Tagged With: Attachment, Back To School, Child Development, Children, Children Inc., Childrens Music, Cincinnati, David Kisor, Education, Educational Music, Growing Sound, Kids Music, Music and Learning, Northern Ky, Parenting, Parents, resilience, Social & Emotional Learning, Social and Emotional, Transitioning