How Music Can Enhance Speech and Language Skills…

Music has long been recognized as a powerful tool for communication and expression. It has the ability to evoke emotions, stimulate memories, and connect people on a deep level. But [Read More…]

Calming Your Kids: Ways To Tame a Wild Child…

Physical aggression is common for young children to express themselves when they do not have enough words to say what they want. Aggression in children can take many forms: angry [Read More…]

The Power of Music: Enhancing Social and Emotional Growth in Children…

Music has long been recognized as a powerful tool for human expression and connection. It has the remarkable ability to touch our emotions, evoke memories, and bring people together. But [Read More…]

5 Ways To Help Kids Be More Resilient…

Today’s children are under more pressure than previous generations, with expectations at school, at home, and even on social media. They are more stressed than they have ever been. The [Read More…]

Reasons Why Music Is So Important For Your Baby…

Is your baby getting enough music? Did you know a lullaby will calm your baby’s heart? Music can raise the baby’s mood, get them excited, or make them calm and [Read More…]

Social-Emotional Learning Is More Important Than Ever and Music Can Help…

Education Week recently published a great article by Peter DeWitt focusing (once again) on the importance of social-emotional learning. DeWitt had posted a previous article and was (or wasn’t) surprised [Read More…]

Parents & Educators, Here Are A Few Ways You Can Help Children Develop a Sense of Belonging…

One of the most important things we can do is to provide our children with a sense of belonging. As the world becomes more divided, it can be difficult to [Read More…]

Using Positive Words – How To Create An Encouraging Classroom With Words and Music…

NAEYC published an article written by Deb Jones in Teaching Young Children all about the impact of using positive words with children in the early learning environment. Why Words Matter [Read More…]

Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event With Music…

Unfortunately, traumatic events happen every day, in every community. Children may often be experiencing confusion and hear more than we think. As caregivers we need to provide consistency and safety [Read More…]

We Are Making Music That Helps Children Become Good Neighbors…

  A bunch of us on the Growing Sound team grew up with the principles often taught by the late-great FRED ROGERS. We learned so much about critical social and [Read More…]