This is an article we found interesting in regards to implementing the MINDUP Curriculum into the classroom. Researchers are continuing to see proven examples of how academic performance improves when [Read More…]
Reasons Why Music Is So Important For Your Baby…
February 1, 2023 By Growing Sound

Is your baby getting enough music? Did you know a lullaby will calm your baby’s heart? Music can raise the baby’s mood, get them excited, or make them calm and [Read More…]
Filed Under: Social-Emotional Learning Tagged With: Childrens Music, Kids Music, Music for Children, Music for Kids
Parents & Educators, Here Are A Few Ways You Can Help Children Develop a Sense of Belonging…
September 20, 2022 By Growing Sound

One of the most important things we can do is to provide our children with a sense of belonging. As the world becomes more divided, it can be difficult to [Read More…]
Filed Under: Belonging, Social-Emotional Learning Tagged With: A feeling of belonging, Childrens Music, emotional music, Kids Music
Music Can Help Kids Make Transitions Much Easier – View a List Back to School Transitions from River City News…
March 1, 2021 By Growing Sound
Our thanks to River City News for sharing these great tips for making back to school transitions easier for children. We LOVE that they included our song, “I Keep [Read More…]
Filed Under: Education, Educational Research Tagged With: Attachment, Back To School, Child Development, Children, Children Inc., Childrens Music, Cincinnati, David Kisor, Education, Educational Music, Growing Sound, Kids Music, Music and Learning, Northern Ky, Parenting, Parents, resilience, Social & Emotional Learning, Social and Emotional, Transitioning