Tips, Trends, & News
The Power of Music in Cultivating Creativity in Children…
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, creativity has become an essential skill for success. It is no longer limited to artists and geniuses; everyone has the potential to tap into their creative abilities. As parents and educators, one of our...
The Power of Music for Baby’s Sleep: 10 Benefits You Need to Know…
Music holds a special place in our lives. It has the power to evoke emotions, set the mood, and bring people together. But did you know that music can also play a significant role in your baby’s sleep? From helping them relax and calm down to boosting brain...
How Music Can Enhance Speech and Language Skills…
Music has long been recognized as a powerful tool for communication and expression. It has the ability to evoke emotions, stimulate memories, and connect people on a deep level. But did you know that music can also play a significant role in enhancing speech and...
How Music Can Help Foster Mindfulness In Children…
This is an article we found interesting in regards to implementing the MINDUP Curriculum into the classroom. Researchers are continuing to see proven examples of how academic performance improves when mindfulness strategies are used. Although the research conducted in...
Tips On How You Can Make the Most Out of Reading Aloud to Your Children…
Making the Most of Reading Aloud: Practical Strategies for Parents of Young Children is a terrific article recently published by with an interesting study. Check out the full article here. Read the Pictures! We especially liked the suggestions for parents and...
How Music Builds Confidence in Children…
In today’s fast-paced world, children face numerous challenges that can affect their self-esteem and confidence. As parents, we want to equip our children with the tools to navigate these challenges and develop a strong sense of self. One powerful tool that can...
How To Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Music, Behavior, and Other Strategies…
For children, self-esteem comes from knowing that they’re loved and that they belong to a family and a community that values them. spending quality time with their families. being encouraged to try new things, finding things they’re good at, and being...
Why Developing Friendships Is Important For Children…
As adults, we understand what it means to have close connections with other people. Knowing that you have someone who will be there when you call brings an immense amount of reassurance. Good friends play important roles in our lives from the very first one we make on...
How To Build Resilience In Young Children…
Strong resiliency skills can make a big difference in people’s lives and is a skill that is developed early in life. Resilience is the ability to cope with and recover from life’s difficulties. It is something all human beings have the potential for but is not a skill...
Calming Your Kids: Ways To Tame a Wild Child…
Physical aggression is common for young children to express themselves when they do not have enough words to say what they want. Aggression in children can take many forms: angry tantrums, hitting, kicking, or biting, hot-headed outbursts that destroy property,...
The Impact of Music on Sports Performance for Children…
When it comes to enhancing sport performance, athletes are always on the lookout for strategies and techniques that can give them an edge. One such strategy that has gained popularity is the use of music. Many athletes swear by the power of music to improve their...
The Soothing Power of Music for Colicky Babies…
Babies have their unique ways of communicating, and one of the most common ways is through crying. As parents, we strive to understand and meet their needs, whether it’s hunger, sleep, or a dirty diaper. However, some babies experience excessive crying that goes...
How Music Can Help With and Even Prevent Childhood Bullying…
Bullying is a prevalent issue that affects youth across the globe. It involves repeated acts of intimidation or attack, often driven by an imbalance of power and the intention to harm the victim. The consequences of bullying can be severe, leading to problems with...
The Power of Music in Alleviating Anxiety and Promoting Well-being…
In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, finding effective ways to manage anxiety and promote overall well-being is crucial. One powerful tool that has been shown to have significant benefits is music. The therapeutic properties of music have been recognized...
The Impact of Music on Cognitive Development in Children…
From the moment a baby is born, music becomes an integral part of their life. Mothers often use music to soothe and bond with their babies, creating a sense of relaxation and love. But music goes beyond mere enjoyment—it has a profound impact on cognitive development...
The Power of Music: Enhancing Social and Emotional Growth in Children…
Music has long been recognized as a powerful tool for human expression and connection. It has the remarkable ability to touch our emotions, evoke memories, and bring people together. But did you know that music also plays a crucial role in the social and emotional...
The Importance of Family and Music In Child Development…
Some of our earliest interactions are with family members and care providers. These early contacts play a fundamental role in a child’s social development, as well as showing them how to understand themselves and those who come in contact with them. Children learn...
Building Children’s Perseverance and Intellectual Growth Through Music…
Perseverance is a key attribute for children’s intellectual growth and overall development. It is an essential trait that helps children overcome challenges, learn from their mistakes, and achieve success in various aspects of life. In the context of...
5 Tips and 2 Music Suggestions Than Can Help Teach Children To Have More Optimism And Resilience…
Being optimistic at any age fosters a positive mindset as well as the ability to face struggles and persevere life’s challenges. We know this is especially true for our children, who are watching us respond to our challenges, and learning from us everyday. So how do...
5 Ways To Help Kids Be More Resilient…
Today’s children are under more pressure than previous generations, with expectations at school, at home, and even on social media. They are more stressed than they have ever been. The number of teens and adolescents struggling with anxiety continues to rise...
The Poop Song is a Part of the Premiere Episode of Animal Control on Fox Television Airing on February 16, 2023…
Growing Sound is very excited that “The Poop” Song is part of the Premiere Episode of Animal Control! The Poop Song is one of fourteen songs on “Becoming My Own Me: Songs for Developing Toddlers” The Poop Song has always had a following...
Reasons Why Music Is So Important For Your Baby…
Is your baby getting enough music? Did you know a lullaby will calm your baby’s heart? Music can raise the baby’s mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. The possibilities are endless. It is an important part of their lives. What Effect Does...
Social-Emotional Learning Is More Important Than Ever and Music Can Help…
Education Week recently published a great article by Peter DeWitt focusing (once again) on the importance of social-emotional learning. DeWitt had posted a previous article and was (or wasn’t) surprised by the comments and feedback he received from (what he...
Singing and 6 Other Fun Activities That Help With Your Toddler’s Development…
Toddlers love to touch, smell, and taste in order to understand the world around them. The five senses of touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing are one of the key ways in which children take in information, respond to their environment, seek nourishment and comfort,...
Parents & Educators, Here Are A Few Ways You Can Help Children Develop a Sense of Belonging…
One of the most important things we can do is to provide our children with a sense of belonging. As the world becomes more divided, it can be difficult to comprehend the shared traits we, as humans, share. Creating safe relationships is an essential part of building,...
Creativity is the Skill of the Future and Our Imagination Generation Music Can Help!… published a great article by Anna Powers identifying “Creativity” as the skill of the future. Powers looks at technology as a major driving force to our world today, but it is the following few lines that speak the most to us here at GROWING SOUND....
Using Positive Words – How To Create An Encouraging Classroom With Words and Music…
NAEYC published an article written by Deb Jones in Teaching Young Children all about the impact of using positive words with children in the early learning environment. Why Words Matter “Words matter. They are packages of power that can harm or help. As Fred Rogers...
Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event With Music…
Unfortunately, traumatic events happen every day, in every community. Children may often be experiencing confusion and hear more than we think. As caregivers we need to provide consistency and safety and help them to become resilient to these traumas. Helping Children...
We Are Making Music That Helps Children Become Good Neighbors…
A bunch of us on the Growing Sound team grew up with the principles often taught by the late-great FRED ROGERS. We learned so much about critical social and emotional skills that are still with us today. FRED ROGERS did great work that impacted our nation, but...
5 Simple Ways To Encourage Brain Development With Music…
Babies, babies, everywhere. We all love the little ones and a recent article published in Mindshift offers 5 simple ways to encourage brain development in our youngest of learners… 5 simple ways to encourage brain development Ron Ferguson is the brain behind...
There Are Benefits To Children Dancing With Their Parents and Care Givers and Our Music Can Help!…
Well WE certainly have known the value of dancing with children. We see kids come alive at our Growing Sound concerts when we invite them to join with us on “Do the Walk”, “Make a Face”, “Dance Like The Whole World’s watching”...
Using Music With Infants and Toddlers To Brighten Their Mood, Benefit the Brain, and Boost Their Language Skills…
Back in 2016, published an article by Rebecca Parlakian and Claire Lerner that studied the effects of using Music with Infants and Toddlers. In this article, they explore the many ways that music promotes growth in the various developmental domains and...
Building Grit and Resilience With Babies and Toddlers Using Music…
The 74 recently published an article titled “What You Never Realized You Were Teaching Your Child About Grit & Resilience: MIT Study Captures Techniques That Work for Babies as Young as 13 Months”. The article, written by Kate Stringer talks about the...
How Our Music Can Help Your Child Know Their Own Strength By Using Character Science…
Growing Sound continues our efforts to promote positive social-emotional learning and development through Character Science. An article recently published in the Kentucky Tribune helps explain what Character Science is all about and the need to raise awareness...
Music Can Help Kids Make Transitions Much Easier – View a List Back to School Transitions from River City News…
Our thanks to River City News for sharing these great tips for making back to school transitions easier for children. We LOVE that they included our song, “I Keep A Kiss In My Pocket” in this article. This song promote healthy attachment, one of the...